
Electric Cost-of-Service - Essential Concepts for a Changing Industry

July 22-23, 2024 | Denver, CO and Online

Click Here to register $1495

If you are unable to attend at the scheduled date and time, we make recordings available to all registrants for seven days after the event

“It was a very engaging and insightful class. Scott and David were also very knowledgeable with tons of experience to draw upon.” Utility Accountant, LADWP

“Excellent overview of the entire cost of service process for people new to topic or needing a refresher done by two excellent speakers.” Budget & Rates Analyst, Great River Energy

“Thanks for covering so much and allowing me to apply newly learned concepts into exercises that were extremely practical.” Budget Administrator, Anaheim Public Utilities

This two-day course will lead participants through the cost-of-service process from start to finish in detail. Our experienced team of instructors will guide attendees through:

  • Discussion and comparison of investor-owned utilities, municipal utilities, and electric cooperatives in cost-of-service principles and techniques
  • Traditional cost-of-service analytical techniques
  • Unbundled cost-of-service analytical techniques

Each participant will complete a sample cost-of-service analysis during the course and training materials will be provided.

Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss FERC Uniform System of Accounts
  • Identify revenue requirements
  • Examine utility case studies
  • Discover energy allocation factors
  • Define the steps in the ratemaking process
  • List cost classifications

Recommended Background And Requirements

No prior cost-of-service experience is required, although knowledge of utility system infrastructure, business environment, and operations will be helpful. To participate in model development, a laptop computer with Microsoft Excel 2003 or later is required.


MONDAY, JULY 22, 2024

8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. : MOUNTAIN TIME

Short breaks will be taken throughout the course (30 minutes total)

Course Overview and Introduction

  • Course objectives
  • Course overview
    • Steps in ratemaking process
    • Steps in cost-of-service process
    • Developing cost-of-service analysis – different perspectives
    • Interpreting cost-of-service results

Overview of Cost-of-Service Process

  • Process overview
  • Introduction
  • State regulatory process
  • Local regulatory process
  • Federal mandates
  • The cost-of-service team
  • Stakeholders

Study Preparation

  • Introduction
    • Four important considerations
    • Common supporting analyses to ensure success
  • Financial planning
  • Study period selection
    • Load research study
    • System loss study
    • Resource planning studies
    • Minimum system studies
    • Accounting for direct assignment
    • Lighting study
    • Load forecasting

 Morning Break

Policies, Objectives, and Strategies

  • Introduction
  • Policies
  • Objectives
  • Strategies
    • Marginal vs. embedded costs
    • Cost unbundling
    • Competitive pricing
    • Time-of-use pricing support
    • Real-time pricing support
    • Varying return on investment
    • Cost recovery through rules and regulations
    • Other strategies

 Lunch Break

Revenue Requirement

  • Introduction
    • Steps in rate design process
    • Definition
    • What is included in revenue requirements
  • Test year concept
    • Known and measurable adjustments
    • Used and useful adjustments
    • Components
  • Utility approach (IOU)
    • FERC Uniform System of Accounts
    • Rate base
      • Components
      • Definitions
    • Return on rate base
      • Weighted average cost of capital (WACC)
      • Cost of debt
      • Cost of equity
    • Utility Case Studies
  • Utility approach (regulated cooperative)
  • Cash approach (municipal)
  • Debt service coverage ratio
  • Comparison
  • Adjustments to base rates
  • Introduction to cost-of-service model
  • ATTACHMENTS: revenue requirements examples 5-1 through 5-4

 Afternoon Break

Revenue Requirement (continued)

  • Classroom exercise No. 1: revenue requirement test year adjustment – adding a new load
  • Classroom exercise No. 2: revenue requirement test year adjustment – adding a new resource

Cost Allocation Methodologies

  • Introduction
    • Steps in ratemaking process
    • Sample cost allocation methods
  • Common approaches to cost allocation
    • Embedded
    • Marginal
  • Common approaches to cost allocation
    • Bundled
    • Unbundled

TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2024

8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. : MOUNTAIN TIME

Short breaks will be taken throughout the course (30 minutes total)

Review of Day 1

Functionalization of Costs

  • Introduction
    • Steps in ratemaking process
      • Bundled approach
      • Unbundled approach
  • Business unit concept
    • Products and services
    • Allocations
      • Direct
      • Derived
  • Classroom exercise No. 3: functionally unbundling costs

 Morning Break

Classification of Costs

  • Introduction
    • Steps in ratemaking process
    • Basic cost categories
  • Fixed and variable costs
  • Cost classifications
    • Demand-related
    • Energy-related
    • Customer-related
    • Revenue-related
    • Direct assignments
  • Classification of functions
  • Special studies
    • Minimum systems
    • Zero intercept
  • Classroom exercise No. 4: classification of distribution plant

Rate Class Determination

  • Overview of issues
    • Rate classes
    • Number of classes
    • Type of classes
    • Classes within classes
    • Rate class trends: community solar
    • Cost-of-service support

 Lunch Break

Development of Allocation Factors

  • Introduction
    • Steps in ratemaking process
  • Demand allocation factors
    • Coincident peak
    • Non-coincident peak
    • Sum of max demands
    • Average and excess
    • Other
    • Utility Case Studies
  • Energy allocation factors
  • Customer allocation factors
  • Revenue allocation factors
  • Direct assignment
  • Classroom exercise No. 5: development of demand allocation factors

Allocation of Costs

  • Classroom exercise No. 6: allocated cost-of-service

 Afternoon Break

Interpreting Cost-of-Service Results

  • Introduction
  • Subsidization
    • Inter-class subsidization
    • Intra-class subsidization

 Course Wrap-Up