
Certified Development Professional Series

A Complete Training Program for Development Professionals

Series begins September 17, 2024
and runs for Fourteen Tuesdays: 3:30 - 4:45 PM Eastern

Click Here to Register: $495

Providing Professional Training and Certification in all of the Fundamentals of Development

Do your Development skills need sharpening? Are you missing funding opportunities which would help you better serve your constituency? Or are you new to Development?

This series provides you with a broad range of training programs, presented live over Zoom where you can ask questions and receive answers in real-time. If you miss a session, recordings are included!

Join the hundreds of organizations which have had their people take part in one or more courses in the Certified Development Professional Series! (Click here to see a list of some of the participating organizations)

Live, 75 minute Sessions, every Tuesday, for 16 weeks.

Courses Included in the Development Professional Series (click for information on each session):

Development 101  September 17 

Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) September 24

Grant Writing 101 October 1

Special Events October 8

Social Media Fundraising October 15

Launching a Capital Campaign October 22

Corporate Giving/Cause Marketing October 29

Major Gifts/Planned Giving November 5

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising November 12

Internship Programs 101 November 19

Board of Trustees November 26

Affinity Group Fundraising December 3

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion December 10

Public Relations for Not-For-Profits December 17


Certified Development Professional Exam

The Development Professional Certification Exam is available for you to take for one year following completion of the Development Professional Series. The exam may be retaken three times within that year to achieve "Pass".

Only need training in one or two of the series topics?

Individual sessions, with their recordings, are available for $119.

* Purchasing the full Development Professional Series offers you SAVINGS OF OVER $1,000 *

Series Recordings: You will have access to BOTH the recordings of the Sessions and the Instructor by email for SIX MONTHS following the Development Professional Series.


Bill Edelstein is a consultant specializing in helping not-for-profits develop diversified revenue streams. He holds Advanced Degrees in Education and Not-for-Profit Development. His professional work is focused on Donor Relations and Fundraising. Bill is an adjunct professor at John Jay College of the City University of New York.

Bill Edelstein


I participated in the P2P webinar which, by the way, was amazing. Thanks for all the information you shared. - Elliot, AdcieoThank you Bill!! 

I enjoyed the presentation, in fact one of the best I have attended in some time. - Wendy, Ferris State University

A great Grant Writing Class 101! - Cheryl, Tulane University

Keep up the great work. Really glad I was able to join today. - Anna, Community Bridges

Thanks so much for an amazing Webinar.  So much info there.  I’ve already sent my notes to the fundraisers but I am glad they will be getting your recording! - Diana, St. Joseph Center

Thank you for your time and effort teaching this course – I am really enjoying participating with other ‘students’! - Liz, AFTD

GREAT CLASSES! - Karen, Chicago Urban League

I’d like to thank you once again for the great virtual facilitation and training sessions. You were patient, understanding, engaging, and checked in with us on our learning in several ways. I admit that this is a very busy time for me as it is reporting season so I wasn’t able to participate in the homework the way I would have liked. I was so grateful that I felt nothing but understanding from you and was able to learn so much from your sessions! - Clarinda, United Way of Central Minnesota

Thank you Bill. I found the course helpful because you provided a comprehensive overview of all the moving parts with grants management and specific resources to help. - Julia, Wings for Kids