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Geographic Information Systems for Water and Wastewater Utilities

June 27-28, 2023 | Online

Sponsored by EUCI

Click Here to Register ($1195)

If you are unable to attend at the scheduled date and time, we make recordings available to all registrants for seven days after the event


The use of Geographic Information Systems in utilities is becoming more and more prevalent as many companies update their CAD systems to have more functioning asset management technologies.   While GIS in utilities is similar in many of the data collection and data management functions there are some distinct differences in the water and wastewater sectors.  This course will go through the fundamentals of GIS and how it applies to the industry. 

The course will focus on the fundamentals of GIS:

  • Building the datasets for water and wastewater with emphasis on asset management and geometric networks
    • utilizing data models
    • geometric networks
    • the utility network with ESRI
  • Discussion regarding integrations with current asset management systems
  • Utilizing work orders and mobile field workforce management
  • Data analytics surrounding asset management including:
    • determining criticality
    • likelihood of failure
    • consequence of failure as it applies to GIS applications

This course will also discuss new trends in technology and how to utilize these in data collection, analytics, and data management.

Register today and take advantage of our team discounts for groups of 5 or more!

Learning Outcomes

  • Summarize basic GIS concepts in real life scenarios
  • Practice data projections and working with coordinate systems
  • Calculate grid to ground conversions
  • Demonstrate working with CAD data in GIS
  • Evaluate Geometric Networks and Utility Network Models
  • Analyze and utilize Data Collection and Field Maps
  • Explain Data Analytics and Metrics for Water and Wastewater utilities
  • Review the Operations Dashboard and Insights for ArcGIS
  • Differentiate Open-Source alternatives
  • Identify trends and next steps in technology
  • Facilitate the integration of systems
  • Plan and execute Data Management
  • Define Asset Management Fundamentals and GIS
  • Distinguish work order system versus asset management
  • Discuss Data Sharing and Cybersecurity operations


TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2023

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Central Time

Geospatial Concepts in Water/Wastewater Geographic Information Systems

  • Introduction to GIS
  • Basic Concepts in Mapping
  • Projects and Coordinate Systems
  • Mapping Standards
  • CAD Background
  • Survey Standards: Grid vs. Ground
  • Data Types
  • Data Collection Techniques
  • Publishing Data

Application of Geographic Information Systems for Water and Wastewater

  • Challenges of Various Applications
  • Open-Source Applications
  • ESRI, AutoDesk and others
  • Data Collection
  • Scripting/Customization
  • Web GIS

Water and Wastewater System Asset Management Applications

  • Work Order vs. Total Asset Management Systems
  • Field Data Collection Tools
    • ArcCollector
    • Customized
    • Built-in services
  • Database Introduction: Geodatabase File vs. SDE


  • Online Data Store
  • Versioning and Multi-user Editing
  • Editing Published Data

Applying Geographic Information Systems Concepts to Water and Wastewater

  • Collection of Assets and Infrastructure
  • Tabular Information
  • Related Tables and Data
  • Basic Analytics and Concepts
  • Geometric Networks: Utility Network


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Central Time

Deeper Dive into Water and Wastewater System Asset Management

  • Understanding the Water Utility Infrastructure
  • Collections
  • Proactive vs. Reactive
  • Basic Concepts
    • Likelihood of failure/consequence of failure
    • Critical customers
    • What data should we collect?
  • Applying the Logic to GIS
  • Integrating Other Applications
    • SCADA
    • Field collection
    • Other databases
  • Vertical Assets
  • Analytics and Metrics

Future Trends in Geographic Information Systems

  • Augmented Reality
  • Terrestrial LiDAR
  • Advanced Data Collection, UAV
  • Advanced Analytics
    • Linear Regression
    • Big Data
    • Machine Learning
  • IOT


John Nolte, GIS Manager – Administrative Services, Denver Water

John M. Nolte, GISP, is the GIS Manager for Administrative Services at Denver Water in Denver, Colorado.  He is responsible for managing the spatial analytics GIS group for the utility and is working with data analytics and asset management.  John has 10 years’ experience in water and wastewater utility and was previously a state-certified water and wastewater professional.  He has extensive knowledge of asset management and the use of GIS to analyze infrastructure.  He has also been a manager in GIS for over ten years and teaches leadership and management courses specific to the GIS profession.  He currently serves on the board of directors of URISA International and is treasurer of the local Rocky Mountain Chapter of URISA.  John is also a member of the GIS Advisory team for Emily Griffiths Technical College in Denver where he helps build structures for curriculum and study goals for the certificate program.